Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"one of my wives had only my children, so she is my favorite wife"

ok... the end of the tanzania program... africa has been wild.. not as stressful as india as a whole and generally smells alot less like piss, but i have been threatend to be shot alot more here. now im chillin in Arusha on a few days of vacation before starting a basically two day flight to NZ.. zanzibar was pretty nice, although crazy tourist-oriented.. which helped in the way of drinking but overall made daily harrassment to buy shit alot more irritating.. lived with a muslim family for a few weeks which was pretty rewarding, aside from the fact that my host brother would shame me in prisonstyle weightlift workouts daily... went on some field visits, hung out with some monkeys, and generally drank every day at Livingstons bar and watched the loading of the cargo ships on the beach which was surprisingly entertaining.. a short stint of a romance with a Livingstons waitress kept things interesting as well.. women of tanzania are unbelievably gorgeous.. built like crazy, although im never sure if the ones all over me are prostitutes or not.. went to dar-es-salaam for christmas which was allright.. kind of a shitty buisness city so wasnt much to do.. me and a few other dudes did break into the swankiest hotel in town  for a few hours to chill by their pool before getting the boot.. .on christmas day we had a party at the hostel that i was generally too drunk to participate in without being wholly annoying.. afterwards, emma and i were walking down the streets and someone walked by and ripped her purse off her shoulder, to which i stupidly immediately chased after in the busy dar es salaam streets... luckilly i was drunk and crashed to the ground before catching the dude, because if i had, i was in no condition to fight and prolly wouldve been jumped by the many onlookers... from there, we went through moshi and mombasa, spent new years eve on safari at Ngorogoro craterwhich was pretty fun... breathtaking views, all the big animals easy to be seen, campfire at the crater rim.. some of the group felt hypocritical for bein there given the point of the program but fuck it...after it was off the hang with the Maasai tribe for a few days, traditional cattle herding peoples from nother tanzania/kenya.. easily the most absurd, intense, surreeal experience ever... i already knew a lot about the Maaasai since they are the the staple go to culture in anthropology, for their pastoralist lifestyle theyve kept for 600 years, their female circumcision rituals, their polygamy, their traditional dress etc.. still knowing it all before hand couldnt prepare me at all for experiencing it.. we had some guides/coordinaters of the program who were Maasai that left to be educated but still had ties to their roots, Saitoti who was runnin the show, and Olenasha who was an older man who was a writer and activist.. both kept quasi traditional views on things like marraige and circumcision and Saitoti told us about his 10 wives and 40 children... we had homestays in the boma huts in the village of three brothers.. between the brothers there were maybe 50 wives, each with their own hut their husband would visit when needed, in the meantime there were the circumcised men age 15-30 or so, the "warriors" who would roam about each night looking for huts with lonely wives to bang.. and its all pretty understood and not seen as weird.. anywho dylan and i were staying with a young wife Nagela about 23, cute, had two kids already who would sleep in her bed with her and we diddnt see much.. obviously spoke 0 english, as most maasai are not given much of a formal education...so we had a translator Gideon, a maasai from another tribe but now in university etc.. right off the bat, first night our host mother offers us a 9 year old girl to sleep with us, to which dylan and i awkwardly declined... then our translator bangs her like 4 feet from us while dylan and i uncomfortably attempt to sleep and not bust out laughing at the absurdity of the situation... lying amongst fleas, choked with smoke from the indoor campfire with no ventilation, on a bed basically made of sticks with basically shoulder width of space sleep was not goin down....next day we chilled at the boma, saw some of their crazy ritualist singing/dancing, and had a calmer time... day 3 we woke to a fucking tarantula in our bed.. a fucking fist sized free roaming tarantula just chillin by our feet.. i thought it was funny at first and got my camera, untill our translator yells "that will fucking kill you!".. later that night the maasai slaughter a goat for us in front of us and some of us drink the blood right out its neck and all in all its all very bizarree.. much more to be said but im tired of typing.. stayin in a nice hostel where i can drink every night and ina few ill be on a plane back the the quasi real world,... africa, youve been fucking bizarre.. .dont kick the knife.

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